gentle  ~  light touch  ~  deep listening

The art of touch is at the core of our work –  Franklyn Sills​
Craniosacral therapy (CST) is a gentle but potent way of working with the body using a light touch. It supports the body’s innate ability to balance, restore and heal itself as well as helping to reduce stress and build underlying energy. 

Craniosacral work listens to the subtle tide-like rhythms of the body, recognising patterns of restriction and allowing the nervous system to balance and reset. This can make you feel better on a very deep level.

Suitable for everyone, from babies to older people, CST can help with acute issues such as headaches and back pain, as well as more longstanding physical or emotional issues such as chronic pain, stress, anxiety, insomnia and depression.

The Biodynamic approach recognises the deep healing processes innate within the body and allows the client to be part of their own recovery. 

To discuss whether this is right for you, please get in touch.

Craniosacral Therapy for Parents & Babies
Why choose Craniosacral Therapy?

Modern-day life is generally fast paced and pressurised, with a need to make the most of life through hard work and almost constant connection.

And although we are designed to manage and indeed thrive on a certain amount of stress, extended periods of over stimulation can be overwhelming and impacts on how we function and may contribute to chronic illness.  

We can feel generally ‘stuck’. Or we may be in a state of continual low-level stress which becomes habitual and almost unnoticed.

If this resonates with you, then perhaps Craniosacral Therapy may help? 

CST is a natural way of helping our bodies to rest and recover and in such a way that feels safe. 

CST supports the nervous system and gives it the chance to reset, to find the space for new pathways and new approaches.

Often people feel that they have renewed energy levels, an improved sense of well-being and can simply see life in a different way.

What happens at a session and what does CST feel like? 

The treatment process is gentle and supportive of your individual physical and emotional needs.

The first session will include a detailed history for me to get to know you and understand your reasons for coming.

During the treatment you remain fully-clothed and lie on a treatment couch either face up, or on your side. There is no manipulation of the tissues.

Using a light touch, always negotiated and client led, the therapist ‘listens’ to your body, in much the same way that a talking therapist will listen to words and your body responds by beginning to listen to itself. Our work is always guided by the client rather than imposing our ideas on how to fix. 

You may become aware of sensations such as heat, tingling or pulsation as changes occur. You may feel deeply rested. You may feel calm and energised, with increased clarity of mind and a feeling of well-being and ability to cope. The effects may take several days to integrate as your body adjusts.

How many sessions?

This will vary from person to person. Some people may feel relief after a few sessions but more chronic conditions may take a longer period of treatment which we can discuss and review.


  • £75  1 hour
  • £95  1.5 hours
  • £50 30 mins babies & children
  • 15 minute telephone consultation free of charge

Contact me to have an initial chat to assess your needs.

Arrange a time for a session via Calendly or contact me direct.

* Craniosacral Therapy is not intended as primary healthcare but to work alongside the relationship you have with your doctor *